
Thursday 8 October 2015

Report of a Wednesday afternoon in Theoule

by Nelly & Marina
--- Wednesday 7 October

We spent the afternoon in the Espace Culturel in Theoule, where the Hangar Exhibition is  beautifully installed - until Saturday 10 October... We loved it, and noticed a lot of red dots already!

There were plenty of visitors, many of them had questions, and we were delighted to hear from most of them that they were impressed with the quality of the work. And they didn't only express their appreciation in spoken or written words...
In this picture you see visitors come in straight from the beach, folding chair under the arm. In the left corner, people are admiring a painting that they later purchased! We felt very satisfied with around 50 visitors, 3 fresh sales closed and 1 option!! 
Here are some other pictures we took:

Nelly proudly checks out work from her group

Marina admiring Christie's blue eagle

Heiko the piano player passed by again and played a brilliant recital 'under the watercolours'

Aquarelles by Agnès and Edith, enjoyed by Marina...

 Nelly as photographer

One very good and stylish corner in the Espace...

...and another one...

Two days to go - if you haven't been yet, go there to have a look, it will definitely be more than worth your time! 

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