
Friday 13 November 2015

Life Drawing on Monday mornings

Every other Monday morning there's a life class,  an indispensable training in observing and eye-hand coordination for artists! In two hours you warm up, practice, learn, succeed and fail - together with others - who draw the same model in the same pose, but each in their own style and that is very interesting!! Here are some of the results of Monday 9 November...
Warming up with quick poses

Six 1-minute poses and six 2-minute poses on one page, by Bernard

one of Anna-Karin's delicate quick-drawings

 It took Peter10 minutes to draw this pose-with-hoop...

 Claudie's great drawing of the same pose

Bernard drew from 2 different positions, in his personal style

 Peter's version of the pose with the hands

Same pose, Sandra's interpretation

and here through the eyes of Claudie...

...Betty's interpretation...

 The lovely still drawing of Christiane...

 Anna-Karin used watercolours for some expressive small versions. 
Wait until she removes that masking tape, the effect will be spectacular!

Excellent drawing by Arturo

 Fabulous as always, the long pose by Bernard! 
It was a struggle but something impressive came out of that, doing our beautiful Marie justice
 And last but not least, Chris made 6 or 7 drawings of the long pose, some realistic, some impressionist, and she and I both liked this last crazy one best, she created it in less than a minute :)

If you have read and looked this far, I think you should come the next life drawing class! It is fun, it is good for your brain, your eye-hand coordination and if you ask me, the best way  to start your week!

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