
Monday 29 February 2016

'Artists and their online profile' workshop

Many visual artists do not have a consistent online profile. Having a well designed website increases the chances of being noticed and of selling artwork. Selling work online provides a good income for many artists who do have the knowledge of how to do these things. Not having an online profile in the 21st century means you do not exist.... This workshop is designed to give you a good start in creating a catchy and consistent profile on the internet.

When, where and how?
Two afternoons or mornings, depending on what people prefer. 
Thursdays. 4 hours at a time with a well deserved break in the middle
Bring your own laptop
Workshops will be held at somebody's house (private residence with wifi)
Dates: Thursday 31 March and Thursday 7 April please mention if you prefer mornings or afternoons.
You must be able to commit to these two sessions in order to be able to book a place
Price: €50 for both sessions

What would you be learning?
Use a template to design your own website: 

Learn how to make your website consistent and catchy

Use an online shop to promote and sell your artwork:

Use other online platforms to promote your artwork.

What would you have to bring?
Your own laptop
Your enthusiasm and interest in the subject (no previous experience needed)
Desirable:An updated CV
Good digital images of your work, some images of you at work
Some interesting phrases that describe your work or your interests and projects.
Ideas for prices.
Digital images of details of your artwork
Some examples of other artists websites that you like (initial research)
 to book a place, contact Gabriela:

Friday 26 February 2016

Drawing Louise on Monday Morning

Here a couple of pictures of the last Monday Morning Model Session, with Louise...
They make me proud!!! All personal styles, from cool to emotional observations! Have a look for yourself and if you would like to join: coming Monday, 29 February you are welcome to join! Basic drawing materials and model included in the price of 18€ . Materials used: charcoal, pastel, crayon...

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Pim's Monday evening Abstract Painting class- news 
Since a few weeks , the artists have been working on a painting inspired by Anselm Kiefer.The idea is to work with a not too colourful background and work some figures in black and white in, but not too in detail. Not everyone is following the instructions, that is all allowed. We have a lot of fun, doing it and looking how the other is coping. They are not finished....but already a preview of the proces. 

Monday 15 February 2016

Quel Cirque - Finissage & debrief

On Sunday 14 February the Quel Cirque Exhibition finished with a bang!
Around 2.30 started a marvellous 'finissage' with lovely drinks and nibbles, a lot of visitors and as a cherry on the cake the ceremony of the public's award/Prix du Public...
Our President Ton van Schijndel did the honours, thanked the mairie, the artothèque, the artists, the guardans and the organisers, decorators  & other helpers.

Some interesting points: 
  • In the 14 days we had over 800 visitors
  • 595 visitors cast their votes for the Prix du Public (!)
  • We had 20 sales
  • 63 Artists participated...
The 5 winners of the Prix de Jury were announced:

Meilleure Aquarelle - Le Dompteur, Agnès McLaughlin

Meilleur Print/Dessin - Life Reflections, Gabriela Boiangiu

Meilleure Sculpture - Clown #2, Tracy Greenwood 
(sorry, no picture of the actual sculpture - but this one, 'clown artefacts' had a lot of votes too!)

Meilleure huile  - Lion King, Véronique Vandenhoeck

Meilleure Acrylique - Drôle de quator, Sabine Boselli

The voting forms are now being sorted by my assistant Laila and soon you will find little stacks of them in the Hangar, with your name on them: that way you all have the names and email addresses of your 'Fans'. There will also be a sheet with total number of votes for everyone. Interesting to have a look at!! 

Today, Monday the 15th  we cleared out the Salle St Esprit, with special thanks to Michèle de Laat and Patrick Scetbon. Everything is back to normal, only the Banner is still hanging outside as a memory of a fantastic exhibition!! To be repeated...

Thursday 11 February 2016

New Friday Lunch time Social

Come around to the Hangar anytime between 12:30 and 14:00 for an informal lunch. See what we are doing in the printmaking class and chat with some of the students. Please let me know if you may like to join us:

Hope to see you all soon. Gabriela
Printmaking class runs from 14:00-16;30 every Friday.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

English version - FINISSAGE QUEL CIRQUE Sunday 14 February - 2.30pm

We hope that by now you have all been to our wonderful ‘Quel Cirque’ exhibition, opened every day from 10.30am – 6pm until and including Sunday 14 February!
If you go, don’t forget to cast your vote on your favorite artwork, as we are going to announce the Prix du Public!!

On Sunday 14 February around 4 pm we will officially announce the Winner(s) during the “Finissage” – for which you are cordially invited!
From around 2.30 pm we will have drinks and nibbles – and maybe a Valentine-discount here and there- to celebrate a very successful Exhibition...
Note for the artists: After the finissage, around 4.30pm on Sunday you are invited to take away your artworks. If you are not able to do that, try to get others to take it for you. Monday 15 February afternoon we will open to tidy – you can pick up your work then too – but that implies you will also have to help clean up!

Version Français - FINISSAGE QUEL CIRQUE - 14 février dès 14h30

Nous espérons que vous tous avez visités et appréciés notre merveilleuse exposition ‘Quel Cirque ', ouvert tous les jours de 10h30 à 18 heures jusqu'à et y compris le dimanche 14 Février!
Si vous y allez, n’oubliez pas à voter sur vos œuvres favoris, parce que nous allons annoncer le Prix du Public !!

Le dimanche 14 février à environ 16h00, nous allons officiellement annoncer le(s) gagnant (s) pendant la "Finissage" - pour laquelle vous êtes cordialement invités!
Depuis environ 14h30, nous aurons des boissons et des grignotements - et peut-être un petit Valentine-discount - pour célébrer une exposition très réussie ...

Remarque aux artistes: Après le finissage, d'environ 16h30 le dimanche, vous êtes invités à décrocher. Si vous n'êtes pas en état de faire cela, demandez vos collègues à vous aider. Lundi 15 Février après-midi, nous allons ouvrir pour nettoyer et ranger - vous pouvez éventuellement récupérer votre art - mais ça veut dire que vous devrez aussi aider à nettoyer!

Voting for the best artwork

The Hangar members have a wonderful exhibition in the Salle St Esprit in Valbonne (next to the church). Until 14 February, the doors are open from 10.30am to 6pm. The first 3 days we were flooded with visitors - after that it was a little bit less but we have high hopes for the weekend!
A 'new' thing in this exhibition is that we have established a 'Prix du Public': Visitors can vote for their favourite artwork.

 Nice Matin Lundi 1 février
Many many votes are cast already - and we woud like that to go on until the last day!

If you are one of the artists and you have permanence, make sure you ask the visitors to vote! It will also give you something to talk about :D
Si vous êtes un des artistes et vous avez permanence, s'il vous plaît demande aux visiteurs de voter! Il vous donnera également un sujet de conversation :D
Ask your friends and family to pass by and vote for your artwork! There will be a prize - and of course it is also about The Honour!

Demande vos amis et votre famille à passer et voter pour votre œuvre d'art! Il y aura un prix - et bien sûr, il est aussi de L'honneur!

Thursday 4 February 2016

Drawing with Pim on Monday morning

 On Monday mornings there's always a group in the Hangar that is drawing! And on the last Monday in January (the 25th) it was with Pim - who has a 'Stunning Still life' if he is not going out. Because of the weather... What the participants worked on by the look of it, was a clear line stile life in Pure Black and White! Behold the results, aren't they great?! Coming Monday (8 February) he's going to do it again, with another 'twist'... You can join if you like! Doors open 9.30am, basic materials provided (and of course you are allowed to use your own)

Thanks to Carol Fischer for the pics!!