
Monday 15 February 2016

Quel Cirque - Finissage & debrief

On Sunday 14 February the Quel Cirque Exhibition finished with a bang!
Around 2.30 started a marvellous 'finissage' with lovely drinks and nibbles, a lot of visitors and as a cherry on the cake the ceremony of the public's award/Prix du Public...
Our President Ton van Schijndel did the honours, thanked the mairie, the artothèque, the artists, the guardans and the organisers, decorators  & other helpers.

Some interesting points: 
  • In the 14 days we had over 800 visitors
  • 595 visitors cast their votes for the Prix du Public (!)
  • We had 20 sales
  • 63 Artists participated...
The 5 winners of the Prix de Jury were announced:

Meilleure Aquarelle - Le Dompteur, Agnès McLaughlin

Meilleur Print/Dessin - Life Reflections, Gabriela Boiangiu

Meilleure Sculpture - Clown #2, Tracy Greenwood 
(sorry, no picture of the actual sculpture - but this one, 'clown artefacts' had a lot of votes too!)

Meilleure huile  - Lion King, Véronique Vandenhoeck

Meilleure Acrylique - Drôle de quator, Sabine Boselli

The voting forms are now being sorted by my assistant Laila and soon you will find little stacks of them in the Hangar, with your name on them: that way you all have the names and email addresses of your 'Fans'. There will also be a sheet with total number of votes for everyone. Interesting to have a look at!! 

Today, Monday the 15th  we cleared out the Salle St Esprit, with special thanks to Michèle de Laat and Patrick Scetbon. Everything is back to normal, only the Banner is still hanging outside as a memory of a fantastic exhibition!! To be repeated...

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