
Thursday 29 November 2018

Abstract with Pim

Every Monday evening - and alternate Monday afternoons - Pim de Jongh hosts abstract classes- the other Monday afternoons the classes are hosted by Marina Kulik.

This Monday ( 26/11) there was a small afternoon class - so that meant a lot of personal attention and guidance from Pim. Odile started her painting last time Pim hosted a class. (unfortnately no photo of the halfway work). At home she made two different versions of where she wanted to go. These you see as the small pictures on the right. They were done in A5 format. It was difficult to decided how to continue so she used some elements from both. The result you see on the left (which is a BIG canvas)  It might not be 100% finished - but that is something she will decide on in the next days.

Celina started her painting at Marina's session a week ago - you see the cool Nordic colours. But where to go from here ?

Carina Linne who was an active painter when she lived on the Côte d'Azur  once recommended using the ugliest colour possible to make the painting stand out. Not sure if the pink is the ugliest colour - but yes, the painting definately stands out.

Now the challenge is - what is up and what is down. After turning the painting round and round - the decision has been made. Then - how to frame it ? With a gold frame to bring in some warmth - or keep it cool with a silver frame. Here you see the result:

When paintings are finished it is always a challenge to start out on a new white background. Here is the start of a new painting. What will it become ? That we will see in the weeks to come.

If you would like to try out abstract acrylics you are welcome to join the class on Monday afternoons at 14:00 or the evening class at 19:00. Stop by the Hangar to get more information and to sign up. Everyone is welcome.

Monday 26 November 2018

Multimedia workshop with Benjamin - DAY3

Benjamin Baccarani is doing a 4-day workshop at the Hangar. 24th November was the third day.

The program for the day was printing. Benjamin started with a demo of how to do prints.

The first exercise was using plexiglass or normal glass. Masking tape was used to show the size of the paper. Then acrylic paint was put directly on the glass.

Using a brayer the paint was spread out on the glass. Instead of a brayer - a sponge roller or paint roller could also be used. Acrylic paint dries really quickly so Benjamin worked fast. I added "retardeur" when I did mine !

Patterns were made in the paint

The paper was pressed hard against the glass - and voila !

The result you can see above.

Benjamin went on to present several other methods. 
The next method was ever so messy. In addition to paint - Benjamin put on a lot of water,

It was very wet - and very messy. Then the paper was put on to make a print.

As Benjamin says - you have absolutely no control - sometimes it is a disaster - and sometimes something really good comes out. Its not so important because you can create dozens of these in no time.

Benjamin also talked about using colour - and about using found objects. Then it was our turn. We all worked hard - and I must say extremely productive.

Here are some examples:

I am not quite sure how this will end up - but as Benjamin said - this will all come in place next session when we make use of what we produced today.

So welcome back to the blog next week.

Saturday 24 November 2018

Watercolours / Aquarelle with Marina

Every tuesday afternoon from 14:00 to 16:30 Marina Kulik hosts a class at the Hangar. On Monday evening sje sends out an email to everyone on her mailing list announce the subject for the week. This week the mail came announcing "chess pieces". My immediate reaction was "oh no !!!!". Marina comes to class so well prepared. She brings photos of the subjects - most times she brings a still life (if possible somethig relevant to the subject).  When she has done so much work - I don't really want to disappoint her and choose my own subject (which she of course would not object to). I started researching chess pieces - old and new, as pieces for a board game and pieces with other uses (furniture as an example). I got more and more enthusiatisc and by the time I was finished researching I had several ideas.

First I had to finish last weeks asisgnment: Soap Bubbles - but then it was on to Chess Pieces.

Those that have been going to Marinas classes for a while have developped their own ways of working and their own styles. Here you can see some of the artists at work:

Marina has a blog where she posts the results of each class. For those of us that travel a lot - or only spend some months a year in the south of France, its fun to keep up with whats happening in class. Below you can see Marina in action taking photos of the work for the blog.

And if you are interested, you can take a look at the Aquarellista blog here:

If you are a COMPLETE beginner to painting - or a newcomer to watercolours - no problem. The first lessons Marina will run you through, are an introductory course teaching you the basics. We've all done it.

The class always finishes with a line-up of the work and critique / comments from Marina.

Saturday 17 November 2018

Pim's Monday Morning Drawing class

In the summer -or let me rephrase that- Whenever the weather is good enough, Pim goes out with a group to draw outside. Villages, views, plants, animals - always a great thing too do and very popular! When the weather is not good enough, the group stays inside and they draw still lives.
Always an adventure, as Pim's still lives are GREAT!!
Last time he had a couple of colourful play balls.Here are some action photo's, thank you Anna!

Pim's drawing class takes place on Monday mornings, from 9.30 - noon (ish). They alternate with Marina's life model classes. If you want to join, or need more info, or want to know which class is when, you can subscribe to our weekly newsletter via

Thursday 1 November 2018

AGM - 31 October 2018

 On Wednesday evening 31 October, the Annual General Meeting took place, in the Hangar. It was not overly crowded, due probably to the weather. And maybe also because a lot of members think it is not for them, and fear it maybe a bit boring - but of course it isn't: it is the Hangar! 

Lots of fun, news and an opportunity to give your input and share your ideas. 
Here's a little bit of what you missed:
 Former Hangar president Anton Dikken, now in the audit committee, gave a humorous exposé to explain that the books of the Hangar are satisfactory
President Ton van Schijndel presented a retrospective of the season 2017/2018, presented the board and the responsibilities for the coming year (Sylvie Morlière and Wil Dekkers step back, Cassie West and Arie van Limborgh are new board members) and gave the ins and outs on our membership. Vice-president Marijke Obbink had other updates and the good news about the record  number of membership fees already paid, the new successful activities, like workshops, new classes and short cultural and landscape drawing trips.

 Treasurer Wil steps back and receives a nice bottle by way of consolation. He will be followed by Arie van Limborgh (not present because he is still honeymooning!)

It is clear that our association is booming, creative, independent and free spirited. And also that it is run by volunteers - who work very hard. Much appreciated and we could definitely use more 'helping hands'. If you are interested in being active, tell your teacher! 

After the official part, there was a convivial get-together with excellent drinks and nibbles. Pim told one of his best jokes ever (everyone agreed) about the lady, the hairdresser and the pope. If you want to hear it, make sure you'll be there next year! Around 10pm we closed up and went home, with still some evening left.
We are good for another year and look forward to seeing you on the next AGM!