
Thursday 1 November 2018

AGM - 31 October 2018

 On Wednesday evening 31 October, the Annual General Meeting took place, in the Hangar. It was not overly crowded, due probably to the weather. And maybe also because a lot of members think it is not for them, and fear it maybe a bit boring - but of course it isn't: it is the Hangar! 

Lots of fun, news and an opportunity to give your input and share your ideas. 
Here's a little bit of what you missed:
 Former Hangar president Anton Dikken, now in the audit committee, gave a humorous exposé to explain that the books of the Hangar are satisfactory
President Ton van Schijndel presented a retrospective of the season 2017/2018, presented the board and the responsibilities for the coming year (Sylvie Morlière and Wil Dekkers step back, Cassie West and Arie van Limborgh are new board members) and gave the ins and outs on our membership. Vice-president Marijke Obbink had other updates and the good news about the record  number of membership fees already paid, the new successful activities, like workshops, new classes and short cultural and landscape drawing trips.

 Treasurer Wil steps back and receives a nice bottle by way of consolation. He will be followed by Arie van Limborgh (not present because he is still honeymooning!)

It is clear that our association is booming, creative, independent and free spirited. And also that it is run by volunteers - who work very hard. Much appreciated and we could definitely use more 'helping hands'. If you are interested in being active, tell your teacher! 

After the official part, there was a convivial get-together with excellent drinks and nibbles. Pim told one of his best jokes ever (everyone agreed) about the lady, the hairdresser and the pope. If you want to hear it, make sure you'll be there next year! Around 10pm we closed up and went home, with still some evening left.
We are good for another year and look forward to seeing you on the next AGM!

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