
Thursday 28 November 2019

20 December: Workshop Linocut Printmaking with Josie Gallagher

Special Holiday Season Greeting Cards Workshop

On Friday 20 December: Linocut Printmaking with artist Josie Gallagher

In 2020 we'll have a new regular class, in Print Making, on Friday mornings from 10 - 12.30
To show what this is about, Josie gives a special workshop on 20 December.

About the Workshop: 
Linocut printmaking is a simple and accessible technique. Initially it requires only a few simple tools and a minimum amount of materials. We carve a linoleum plate with gouges and then ink the plate and hand print onto paper, cloth, wood or other surfaces.

As with any simple technique, the possibilities to be creative and playful are endless! It is a great technique that makes you think about the basics of image making. Once a lino sheet is carved, its print can be reproduced an endless amount of times. A great way to start is to work on creating and printing your own greeting cards for Christmas or the New Year."

25 € - materials included  (linoleum sheets, paper, ink, and use of carving tools, rollers, hand press)
To reserve your place, mail or get in touch with Josie

About Josie Gallagher:
She is a painter and print maker. She grew up in Le Bar sur Loup and recently returned  there with her American husband Adam and their two young children Noé and Solal. She spent most of the past fifteen years traveling, studying and working as an artist . 

"The art I make is often inspired by the places in which I have found myself.. Over the past few years I have lived in Lebanon, Morocco, Greece and Guatemala, all places which possess rich cultures of pattern work - patterns inspired by nature or based in abstract geometry - and it is this interest in all these various patterns that has become the thread linking together my paintings and my prints over the years."

Mobile: 07 66 69 68 44

Expo and workshop in Valbonne:
Josie will be exhibiting her work alongside that of Barbara Hannig at gallery Casablu in Valbonne from december 9th to 15th. On Wednesday 11th between 3 and 5 PM at the gallery, she will be running a linocut workshop open to children over 10, teens and adults

And for more examples, these images are of greeting cards that Josie makes. Just to give you an idea of what can be done during a workshop. All are hand-printed linocuts:

Mobile: 07 66 69 68 44

20 decembre: Atelier Linogravure avec Josie Gallagher

Atelier Création de Cartes de Vœux pour la Période des Fêtes.

Vendredi 20 Décembre: Atelier Linogravure avec l'artiste Josie Gallagher

En 2020 nous vous proposons une nouvelle classe de gravure qui se déroulera tous les vendredis matin de 10h à 12h. Pour in première introduction, Josie Gallagher mènera un atelier spécial le vendredi 20 Décembre de 10h à 12h30

A propos de l'atelier:
La linogravure est une technique simple et accessible à tous. Initialement, seulement quelques outils simples et un minimum de matériel sont nécessaires. Nous graverons des plaques de linoleum à l'aide de gouges, puis nous les encrerons pour pouvoir ensuite les imprimer un utilisant des presses manuelles. L'impression peut se faire sur tous types de surfaces, tel que le papier, le tissu, le bois, et d'autres...

Comme avec toute technique simple, les possibilités créatives et ludiques sont infinies. C'est une excellente technique qui rappelle les fondamentaux de la création d'une image. Une fois que la plaque de lino est gravée, elle peut être imprimée un nombre de fois infini. Une belle façon de commencer est par la création et l'impression vos propres cartes de vœux pour Noël ou le Nouvel An.


25 euros – matériaux inclus (plaque de lino, papier, encre, et l'utilisation de gouges, rouleaux encreurs et presse manuelle).
Réservation par mail  ou contacter Josie Gallagher

A propos de Josie Gallagher :

Josie est peintre et graveuse. Elle a grandit au Bar sur Loup, et après une quinzaines d'années pendant lesquelles elle voyageait, étudiait et travaillait en temps qu'artiste, elle est  récemment revenue à son village d'enfance, cette fois avec son mari d'origine Américaine et leurs deux jeunes enfants Noé et Solal.

«Mes peintures et gravures sont souvent inspirées par le lieu dans lequel je me trouve. Pendant ces dernières années, j'ai habité au Liban, au Maroc, en Grèce et au Guatemala, tous des pays qui possèdent un riche culture de motifs – des motifs inspirés de la nature, d'autres basés sur une géométrie abstraite. Ce sont ces motifs variés qui sont devenus le fil conducteur dans mon travail en peinture et en gravure.»

Portable: 07 66 69 68 44

Expo et Atelier à Valbonne:

Josie va exposer son travail aux cotés de celui de Barbara Hannig à la Galerie Casablu à Valbonne du 9 au 15 décembre. Le mercredi 11 de 15h à 17h à la galerie, se déroulera un atelier de linogravure ouvert à tous à partir de dix ans.

Pour quelques exemple de son travail, les images ci-dessous sont des cartes de vœux crées par Josie. Toutes sont des linogravures imprimées à la main. Cela vous donne une idée de ce qui peut être fait durant un atelier.

Portable: 07 66 69 68 44

Monday 25 November 2019

Cold Wax on Friday afternoon with Marina T

What is cold wax painting ? The short answer is that it is any type of painting that heavily utilizes Cold Wax Medium into oil colours. Its a fantastic medium to work with - you experiment, you work with layers, you work with texture. This can include the use of brayers, stencils, and textural elements such as bubble wrap or wire screens. The possibilities are endless! Cold Wax medium is a paste - a little like toothpaste in density. With it you can create a variety of textures within a painting. You can make expressive brushmarks, you can carve into paint layers with palette knives or built up. Cold Wax also gives oil colors a beautiful translucent quality.

Irene and Marina T. applying Cold Wax

To get an idea of what you can achieve with cold wax - check out the portfolio of our teacher Marina Teding van Berkhout: . Here is just one example of the beautiful work that Marina does.

As you can see Marina T. combines figurative on an abstract type background. Cold wax is equally suitable for abstracts. Take a look at what Irene is working on:

Is it finished yet ???

Is it finished yet ????

For both I ask - is it finished yet ? Cold wax is all about adding layers and its not easy to know when you are done. However - unlike other painting mediums - you can just scrape it off if you find there is too much.

Here are som examples of 20x20cm canvases

Celina's first cold wax art

If you would like to try it out - you are welcome to the Hangar on Fridays at 14:00

Thursday 21 November 2019

The Annual General Meeting 2019

The AGM 2019 - Goodbye Ton and Hello Jan Karel!

On Wednesday evening 20 November, the Annual General Meeting took place, in the Hangar.

It was not too crowded - we think it may have been the weather - but although you weren't there, those who were present had an interesting and informative evening that connected them more to our Hangar..
Here's a little bit of what you missed:

After the introduction by the president, and the financial report from our treasurer Arie, the Audit committee members Vincent and Celina explained how and why they found the finances of the Hangar in good order.

President Ton van Schijndel then presented a retrospective of the season 2018/2019, with a record number of members, successful activities, like short museum trips to Aix and Baux de Provence and drawing trips to Bargème and Cipières, our succesful benefit lunch, the ever improving Spring Trip, the success of the classes, new teachers and more...

And then the moment came for Ton to officially step back - and hand over the leadership-baton to his successor Jan Karel Bout!

After the announcement by Anton Dikken that Ton will be honorary member from now on, Jan Karel presented Ton with wonderful Goodbye Gifts - and gave a short and clever introduction about himself and his take on art and culture.

After the official part, there was a convivial get-together with excellent drinks and nibbles. With more farewells for Ton, and around 10pm we closed up and went home, with still some evening left.

It is clear that our association is booming, creative, independent and free spirited. And also that it is run by volunteers - who work very hard. Much appreciated and we could definitely use more 'helping hands'. If you are interested in being active, tell your teacher!

We are good for another year and look forward to seeing you on the next AGM!