
Thursday 21 November 2019

The Annual General Meeting 2019

The AGM 2019 - Goodbye Ton and Hello Jan Karel!

On Wednesday evening 20 November, the Annual General Meeting took place, in the Hangar.

It was not too crowded - we think it may have been the weather - but although you weren't there, those who were present had an interesting and informative evening that connected them more to our Hangar..
Here's a little bit of what you missed:

After the introduction by the president, and the financial report from our treasurer Arie, the Audit committee members Vincent and Celina explained how and why they found the finances of the Hangar in good order.

President Ton van Schijndel then presented a retrospective of the season 2018/2019, with a record number of members, successful activities, like short museum trips to Aix and Baux de Provence and drawing trips to Bargème and Cipières, our succesful benefit lunch, the ever improving Spring Trip, the success of the classes, new teachers and more...

And then the moment came for Ton to officially step back - and hand over the leadership-baton to his successor Jan Karel Bout!

After the announcement by Anton Dikken that Ton will be honorary member from now on, Jan Karel presented Ton with wonderful Goodbye Gifts - and gave a short and clever introduction about himself and his take on art and culture.

After the official part, there was a convivial get-together with excellent drinks and nibbles. With more farewells for Ton, and around 10pm we closed up and went home, with still some evening left.

It is clear that our association is booming, creative, independent and free spirited. And also that it is run by volunteers - who work very hard. Much appreciated and we could definitely use more 'helping hands'. If you are interested in being active, tell your teacher!

We are good for another year and look forward to seeing you on the next AGM!

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