
Monday 20 April 2020

The Hangar Music Contest: examples by your teachers II

This time I'll show you some of my work that is related to music in an entirely different way.
Almost 10 years ago I participated in the 'Holotropic Art Symposium'. With a couple of artists we experimented with Music' as inspiration. Holotropic art sees the artist as the antenna and the input can be anything sensory. A beautiful view, light, a soft feeling or pain, but also smell, or taste or as in our case, sound. The participants all received a CD with music especially composed for the occasion and had to listen and paint that music.
It was a fun experiment, my way of doing it was to translate the music into a kind of image language and it led to this first one in acrylics and oil:

The music was very modern, minimal with lots of different beeps, splashes and screeches.I listened to it until it made sense and this was the result. I had such a good time doing it - and it felt like a great exercise, so the year after I participated again.

The music was again minimal and modern, but slightly more melodious, and a little colder. As you can hopefully recognise from this painting (in acrylics).

The works were exhibited all over Romania, had a lot of publicity over there and the only thing that held me back from participating again was the cost of getting your work over there and back: It is near impossible to export art from Romania, even if it is your own. I seriously needed a lawyer to get the paperwork done. But that's another story.

Anyway, for the abstract painters this may be familiar territory - but it may be a great idea for Hangar members who want to participate and don't know what to do. Play a great piece of music and GO!

Looking forward to seeing your works...

Saturday 18 April 2020

The Hangar Music Contest: examples by your teachers I

The first artworks for the concours of Hangar members are coming in! Next week I will start with posting them.
Most of you are probably working on your artworks with 'Music' as theme, and to inspire you, I will show a couple of music-themed paintings of your teachers.
(The teachers do not participate, they are members of the jury.)

We start with Nelly 'Tim' van Hijfte, the Hangar's oil painting teacher:

No Title
Oil on linen
100x100 cm

Oil on linen
.68x80 cm

Concert in Antartica
Oil on linen
80x100 cm

Oil on linen
80x80 cm
(and owned by Marina)

Wednesday 15 April 2020


Your Hangar teachers herewith cordially invite you to participate in the 


This is a contest in which all Hangar members can participate (if you are not a member you can easily become one and support the Hangar via this link)

The theme of the contest is 'MUSIC' and you can interpret that in any way you want! 
You can work in any style, any medium and any material.

Contact your teacher or if you have questions!

Deadline for submissions: 11 May - the end date of the confinement.

The Jury: your teachers team (Pim, Nelly, Marie, Marina T, Josie, Francesca and Marina K)

The prize: Publicity! A solo blogpost about the winning artwork and its maker, a mention in the 'Chateauneuf Magazine', a post on the Hangar facebook page, instagram and more.

We will also have a lottery for all participants with as first prize a free Hangar membership for the 2020/2021 Hangar season!

The rules:
  • You have to be a Hangar member
  • Every member can participate with one artwork.
  • The maximum size of the original is 50 x 65 cm (Raisin)
  • No size limit for 3D work
  • The theme is Music
  • No constraints on technique or style
  • Mention your name, the title of the artwork, the dimensions and the technique and if you have it your instagram-id
As soon as you have finished your artwork, send a good picture to

We will take care of publicity and post all the work on Facebook and instagram and we will write blogposts about it.

When we are allowed again we will organise an in-Hangar expo, with vernissage, prize-giving, music and lots of publicity yet again.
We look forward to seeing your submissions!!


Thursday 9 April 2020

A view of the Hangar

Because I live so close to the Hangar, I go there every week to check if everything is still fine, the rats, mice or punaises have not taken over, the roof is still in good order, to clean up a little bit and get the mail. 

Today I made a video for you - to remind you of what our lovely big space looks like again... 

Click on the video to see the inside of your Hangar again

I hope you are all well, enjoying the sun and your no doubt beautiful gardens! We get mail from many of you wishing is well - and we wish you the same!
Until soon,