
Monday 20 April 2020

The Hangar Music Contest: examples by your teachers II

This time I'll show you some of my work that is related to music in an entirely different way.
Almost 10 years ago I participated in the 'Holotropic Art Symposium'. With a couple of artists we experimented with Music' as inspiration. Holotropic art sees the artist as the antenna and the input can be anything sensory. A beautiful view, light, a soft feeling or pain, but also smell, or taste or as in our case, sound. The participants all received a CD with music especially composed for the occasion and had to listen and paint that music.
It was a fun experiment, my way of doing it was to translate the music into a kind of image language and it led to this first one in acrylics and oil:

The music was very modern, minimal with lots of different beeps, splashes and screeches.I listened to it until it made sense and this was the result. I had such a good time doing it - and it felt like a great exercise, so the year after I participated again.

The music was again minimal and modern, but slightly more melodious, and a little colder. As you can hopefully recognise from this painting (in acrylics).

The works were exhibited all over Romania, had a lot of publicity over there and the only thing that held me back from participating again was the cost of getting your work over there and back: It is near impossible to export art from Romania, even if it is your own. I seriously needed a lawyer to get the paperwork done. But that's another story.

Anyway, for the abstract painters this may be familiar territory - but it may be a great idea for Hangar members who want to participate and don't know what to do. Play a great piece of music and GO!

Looking forward to seeing your works...