
Sunday 3 April 2022

Hangar Membership Cards

For Your Information - from Monday 4 April am, you can get your credit card-sized Hangar CARTE ADHERENT for 2022. This will give you the certainty that you have paid your membership and also helps you to discounts in certain art shops, like the Geant des Beaux Arts in Nice (15%). Ask your teacher about it - they should carefully write your name and Hangar number (starting with the M of 'Member') on the card and cross you off the list...

Saturday 2 April 2022

The Hangar Art competition III - suggestions on pricing!

HOW TO Price your artwork

There have been a couple of questions, especially from the less-experienced artists in our membership, about pricing their artwork. I am not a specialist or  gallery owner, but I know of a couple of methods that have helped in the past. I will repeat them here, for your information. 

There are several ways to get there. 

1. A good one is speak about it with your artist-pals who are similar in their artistic development, what prices do they ask when they have an expo. Does their price feel reasonable for your work too? Then that is a good indication

2. Another one is to calculate what the creation of your artwork has cost you, in hours, materials and maybe rent of a space, stuff like that.
Example: 60€ of clay + 10€ firing +  10 hours of actual creating à 25€ per hour (rule of thumb) would give a price of a small sculpture on 320€.

3. There are also formulas. They are based on size, combined with your art education and the time you have dedicated to being an artist. They are often used by galleries. The formula is:

Artwork length + width times a factor for years of art education  (6 for an academy diploma) plus experience, prizes won, articles written. For a mid-career professional artist the factor is 12, for an established artist the factor is sometimes 'thousands'!
Example: Your painting is a canvas of 80x80 cm. That's 160 to start with. You have never been to art school, but consistently went to a Hangar class for 4 years. Let's rate that as factor 2. You have won an art contest and have sold  artwork to people you don't know. Add 1 to your factor, and then the gallery price would be 160 x 3 is 480€.

Again, rule of thumb, an indication! Does it feel good? Keep it, or else, use the cost price + hours rule or compare with peers, or ask your teacher for advice.

Lots of success!!

Le Hangar in the News

Our Hangar had an extensive and illustrated article in the Chateauneuf-Grasse magazine Spring Issue! 
With an announcement of the new board and our president Ina Carels, her plans to improve the Hangar after a couple of difficult years. And a column dedicated to last years' Autumn Trip to Castiglione.
To be repeated this year in Les Alpilles,from 23 - 25 September, watch this space if you are interested!!


The Portrait Class Of Marina Teding van Berkhout

You may have noticed in the last Newsletter that I asked you for help with the Hangar Blog. Members are very welcome to send me their articles about their classes. I am happy to place them, but if you'd like to be a regular contributor, just let me know and I'll authorize you as editor.
This first post comes from Margo van Wijk, who is an enthusiastic member of Marina T's Portrait class:

In September last year I started portrait lessons with Marina Teding van Berkhout, for me, the best decision of the year. In the last couple of months, I’ve learned so much, not only technical traits and proportions, but also using colors, light, and shadows.

Marina encouraged me to start with oils and try different subjects and approaches, and I find myself doing things I would never tried without her.


An example is my ‘Audrey’ in black and white and an effort to catch my husband, my first in oil!

Portrait of Derk

Her knowledge and enthusiasm bring out the best in us. The atmosphere in class is warm and inspiring. Amazing to see what fellow ‘artists’ are able to create under her guidance. 

So, thank you Marina for being such an inspiration and lifting our spirits and artistic talents!