
Saturday 2 April 2022

The Portrait Class Of Marina Teding van Berkhout

You may have noticed in the last Newsletter that I asked you for help with the Hangar Blog. Members are very welcome to send me their articles about their classes. I am happy to place them, but if you'd like to be a regular contributor, just let me know and I'll authorize you as editor.
This first post comes from Margo van Wijk, who is an enthusiastic member of Marina T's Portrait class:

In September last year I started portrait lessons with Marina Teding van Berkhout, for me, the best decision of the year. In the last couple of months, I’ve learned so much, not only technical traits and proportions, but also using colors, light, and shadows.

Marina encouraged me to start with oils and try different subjects and approaches, and I find myself doing things I would never tried without her.


An example is my ‘Audrey’ in black and white and an effort to catch my husband, my first in oil!

Portrait of Derk

Her knowledge and enthusiasm bring out the best in us. The atmosphere in class is warm and inspiring. Amazing to see what fellow ‘artists’ are able to create under her guidance. 

So, thank you Marina for being such an inspiration and lifting our spirits and artistic talents!

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