
Monday 3 October 2011

Aquarelle Tuesday, 2- 4.30pm

The Hangar classes have started again! It is great to be back and everyone is full of energy and inspiration! The aquarellista group has a couple of new members, that you will definitely read about on a regular basis because they are very talented!! Right now they are in different stages of the 'starter program' and as far as I know, enjoying it... As you can see the weather also helps...

The spheres-exercise was finished, by Brigitte, Agnes and Liz. They did a wonderful job, all three of them - and learned a lot about light, shade and dark shadows, complementary colours and -as you can see- suggesting volume...
All starters worked on the 'wash-first-then-suggest-volume' exercise, a great one for experimenting with aquarelle and as you can see - with interesting results!
Volume I by Agnes McLaughlin
Beautiful poetic composition by Brigitte Jansen

Two stages of Liz Douglas' surrealistic composition

And then of course there were the regulars, the experienced aquarellistas!! They worked on different projects: 

Anna Karin Fast used the apples from her garden as inspiration for two wonderfully lighthearted still lives 

Helene van der Kroft painted a lovely couple of dancing flamengos

And Cathie van der Stel worked on these pelicans - look at that reflection!

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