
Monday 10 October 2011

Wendy Artin - Master Aquarellista (and more)

'Laura' by Wendy Artin - 2009

Highly recommended for the life class on Monday morning as well as the watercolour class of the Tuesday afternoon, a wonderful and very inspiring artist: Wendy Artin.

'Ape with red stripes' by Wendy Artin - 1999

She paints with sepia and watercolours, and uses 'traditional' subjects, models, still life, the daily life in Rome (where she lives and works) yet the way she paints their light make them very 'new' and contemporary!! She reduces what she sees to just the essential light and dark and the result is - well - breathtaking...
Piazza di popolo by Wendy Artin - 1999

Wendy works from the real thing, for a picture like this...
Roman Forum by Wendy Artin - 2000

... she goes back to that same spot several days in a row when the light is approximately the same...
'Tamara' by Wendy Artin - 2009

From the models she makes lots and lots of paintings, working very fast, and she keeps the really good ones.  Visiting her website you can see a short film with and about her, and I loved hearing her say (on 2.10 in the timeline) 'I just tear them up and throw them away'. (That's about the ones she is not happy with.) See, other people say it too...!

Have a long look for yourself: to see more of her nudes  (there are also fabulous drawings) - visit

for everything else:


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