
Monday 30 July 2012

Aquarelle Tuesday - with Cathie van der Stel

Last week Cathie van der Stel organized the aquarellistas' painting afternoon (I was in Holland partying) She did a great and inspiring job by the look of it:

Very promising start of a new free (background/Foreground/Detail) work by Brigitte Jansen

Free work by Cathie van der Stel - turning it 90° has made it even better!
Edith Alborni's free work... Notice that everyone's looks like seascapes?
Sandra Seymour-Dale's free work  - finished!

In the starters group Cathy Dariel worked on the transparency exercise.
The objective is to suggest the transparency of a curtain, by painting the subject in lighter tones where it is behind the curtain... Worked!
... and Cathy also painted a beautiful transparent marble...
Jim Kane worked on the starters exercise with spheres.
He did lots of experimentation with all kinds of ways to make a final result. He must have enjoyed it by the look of this painting!
Edith Alborni and Cathie van der Stel also worked on  their 'sweetie jars'.
Cathie finished hers - isn't it absolutely fabulous!!
Look forward to Edith's in next weeks post ☺

Tuesday 31 July is the last Aquarellista session of the season, we are closing for the summer and starting again Tuesday 11 September. The Tuesday afternoons will be taken over by Katinka Westhoff, who will give a couple of classes in 'Painting with Pastels!!

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