
Saturday 4 August 2012

Aquarelle Tuesdays - with Marina

Last weeks' abstract background by Brigitte Jansen was finished and ended up as a surprisingly lighthearted and funny illustration-like aquarelle

The last Tuesday with the Aquarellista's before the summer, was started with an excellent lunch and then we all felt like painting -and we did, and how! Admire the results above and below...
A pair of beautiful blue eyes by Cathy Dariel

Cathy has now officially finished the starters exercises (apart from paper stretching - we'll do that with everybody after the holidays) and although she herself is modest about it, I think she has done a great job and now really understands the basics of watercolours!
Cathie van der Stel finished her abstract - very beautiful, rich in detail!
(Enlarge by clicking on the picture)

The candy still life of Edith Alborni is almost finished... End result in September ☺

Jim Kane's beautiful and interesting version of the 4 layers exercise

As usual, Jim tackled the exercise (dark blue sky, orange water & lights, black buildings, gray waves)in his own way. He used masking fluid for the stars and the water so that he could let that wash go from light to dark, and - after the first orange wash- also for the windows. In the picture the windows look white but in fact they are very light orange...
Brigitte Jansen's butterfly - just out of its chrysalis... Beautiful light!
Cathie van der Stel had 5 minutes left after her abstract and spent it on this quick sketch! Note the light, the beautiful flow of the greens - and the overall spontaneity!!
And we end this last Aquarellista-post with a 'tribute' to Sandra Seymour-Dale. She thinks in an original way and her watercolours are sometimes real struggles because Sandra is also bloody serious about her art and not easily satisfied. Her final results always look fresh and spontaneous! Click on the pictures to enlarge them and appreciate the detail...

Abstract with yellow geyser (or is it...?)
After lots of little tweaks the 'Cave' is now finished. And impressive!

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