
Tuesday 17 December 2013

Lundi Abstract , Pim de Jongh's group of international artists are preparing for their next exposition , in Theoule sur Mer. April-Mai 2014

This is just a selection of pictures from the Monday Abstract classes, from the last few weeks.
Hard work for 3 pieces of abstract paintings to finish in a few months.

more information soon....

Monday 16 December 2013

Aquarelle Watercolours on Tuesday Afternoons - with Marina

It's almost Christmas...

Always good for a theme on the Tuesday Afternoon!
And it was wonderful, with hot 'Verveine Menthe', homemade cookies by Edith, music from Adele -and  a lot of inspired painting going on!

 Snow Kitten by Liz

 Santa Squirrel by Edith

Rudolf the Black-nosed Boxer by Orjan (also available in quick spontaneous version)
Christmas décorations by Cathie

 Christmas décorations by Christiane
Christmas décorations by Nusch (will be refined with some gold leaf!)
Christmas Rose by Anna Karin
Poppies by Edith
Vase with happy orange Irises & great shadow/reflection by Agnes
Marbles, also with great shadow/reflection by Cathie

Thursday 12 December 2013

Sculpture & Ceramics with Christie on Thursdays

People work on very different subjects - but after Christmas the focus will be on the upcoming exhibition in Theoule. Below you can get an idea of what has been going on the last couple of weeks.

Martin starting out two weeks ago
The brains were taken out, the head was sewn on and the hair put in place. Ready for the drying phase.

Christie and Tracy working on "the Hare"

John and Anne making the structure for Anne's next creation
And once again we have done a firing and have emptied the kiln. Look what was inside:
Tracy's fish plaque
The plaque has been glazed with a grey/black effect glaze. The orange fish have under-glaze and a transparent satiné top glaze.

Celina's abstract penguins
 The penguins have been glazed with a matt effect glaze from Ceradel. They turned out nicely - especially the black penguin.

 The couple above have been made in red clay and afterwards fired with a whitish-green effect glaze. The result was OK - but it would have been better in white clay.
Celina has been testing out different glazing methods - spraying, dipping and painting with a brush.  All methods work - but the conclusion is that it depends on the actual glaze and the piece you are working on.

Monday 9 December 2013

Aquarelle Tuesdays, from 2 - 4.30pm with Marina Kulik

 Strong Shadows
4 pictures, which are completely different - but all have 'strong shadows' as a theme...
Who said that aquarelle is soft or weak??

'Cowboy' by Edith
What a strong picture! Soon for sale in the 'Petits Formats' ☺
'Marbles' by Cathie 
Breathtakingly transparent eyecandy

'Tulip' by Liz
Surrealistic and daring with the pink!

'Playing boules' by Orjan
Very sunny! Must be in the South of France, as the shadows are purplish...

EXPO 'Footballeurs' in Antibes

De 19 Décembre 2013 à 30 Janvier 2014, Catherine Villiger montre ses Footballeurs chez Van &Vander, 23 Avenue de Grand Cavalier à Antibes...
Elle vous invite pour l'ouverture, jeudi 19 décembre a partir de 18h30!
From 19 December 2013 to 30 January 2014, Catherien Villiger shows her 'Footballers' at Van&Vander, 23 Avenue de Grand Cavalier in Antibes...
She invites you for the opening on Thursday 19 December from 6.30 pm onwards!

Monday 2 December 2013

Aquarelle, Tuesdays 2 - 4.30 with Marina Kulik

Last week Tuesday started out with a bit of bad luck: my printer absolutely refused to do it's job (printing!) and after trying everything I gave up. Which meant that I could not bring examples of the subject that I had in mind 'monochrome painting with aquarelle'...
I will retry next time - but anyway, there were ipads in the room and two heroes still gave it a try and boy, did that work out!!
Above you see Agnès's interpretation - as always with a hidden extra that makes you smile, and below is Nusch's result - very good use of the long strong shadows!

And the other aquarellistas worked on their ongoing projects - Here's why I always come home with more energy than I had when I left:
 'Africa' by Edith
'Gorilla mum' by Orjan - within his hair project. A great job! What a fluffy animal ☺
Work in progress by Sandra. Already SO good... it really catches the moment!
Christiane embarked on a 'paint water' project. Here's a choppy sea for you!
 'Ice crystals' by Edith, now finished - click the picture to check out the marvelous effect of salt...

Monday 25 November 2013

Aquarelle Tuesdays from 2 - 4.30, with Marina Kulik

 Ice crystals - and other subjects
After the cocktails and the poetry of the last weeks we needed some structure and crystals seemed like a good idea.
The ones shown here are painted by Christiane and Edith - very different yet both interesting - and microscopic...
Sandra was back from the UK - and did research for a painting. The picture with the frog is a very small (and very lovely!) study for it...

Orjan painted a truly fantastic gorilla. He was aiming for a bit of practice for painting the hair - but it  turned out to a great overall character. Shame on me for ruining the photograph!
To make up for it (and because I am l truly enthusiastic about his commitment and diligence) I have written a seperate post about his birds! You find it below this one...

Birds in Aquarelle Watercolours

Orjan has just joined the aquarellistas, had no previous experience with watercolours (he has painted before in other techniques) and he has done a lot of research already... Here are a couple of birds that he painted - in an already comfortable style!