
Monday 18 February 2019

IM Patience 'DEVAS' Marriott

It is with great sadness that I inform you that our dear friend Patience peacefully passed away on the morning of the 11th of February. She spent her last days in a beautiful hospice with a garden view and enjoyed watching the birds land on her balcony.

Most of you knew Patience - personally or by reputation, she was such a spirited lady, full of amazing stories - and with a very young mind!

Until 2018 she never missed a life class, where she was an example for all, she had an amazing confident line and an accurate and quick drawing style. Patience was very popular also because of her sharp sense of humour.

She loved the Hangar, came to many classes and when her family stayed with her, she used to bring them all over. We soon found out that her daughter and grandchildren had inherited her talent in drawing and painting. Patience actively participated, she often came on our trips, where she drew, sculpted and watercoloured with enthusiasm.
Teachers Pim and Marie are very sad too and will miss her dearly in their classes.

I had the pleasure of exhibiting with her in the Contemporary Art Exhibition in Valbonne, back in  2010 when it was still an art fair you couldn't afford to miss. We had such fun together, we both sold well and got to know each other. We repeated the duo show in 2015 in La Roquette, and became real friends while we drove together to Italy, where we shared a fantastic and creative time in Saluzzo.

In 2011 we published her portfolio book - it gave insight in the kind of artist she was - and how well-known as a sculptor! (Her artist name was 'Devas', 'gender-neutral' as we would call it nowadays, because she was commissioned to create a monumental sculpture for a Saudi prince and that job could not be done by a woman...!!)

Patience had many friends and admirers in the Hangar. We will all miss her presence, are thinking of her and will fondly remember her forever. The Hangar will send flowers to the funeral of which I will publish the date and the address as soon as I have that information.

We wish her family and friends the strength they need to cope with the loss of their beautiful, talented, original Patience.

Delighted to have known her,
Marina Kulik

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