
Tuesday 19 February 2019

Mixed Media with Benjamin

The latest subject: image transfers.

 Benjamin showed two different ways of doing image transfers. The first was using "glue" and water - the second using acetone.

For the first method - the picture (on newspaper, laserprint or similar) was glued on to the background paper (using glue, gloss or similar). We tried with both laserprinted paper, magazines and newspaper. First glueing it on and leaving it to dry - and when dry, spraying with water and rubbing the back of the picture to get the paper off and leave the print on.

It sounds easy - it looks easy - but its not. There are so many things that can go wrong. Firstly you need to remember that the image is reversed - so if you have writing on it, you need to flip the image before you print it. Secondly - the glue needs to be really dry otherwise the paper rubs off without leaving an image transfer. Thirdly - the quality of the materials make a huge difference. And lastly - the rubbing technique is important.

Here are two examples of transfers  - the top from laserprint and the one below one from newspaper. Everything looks so easy when Benjamin does it - but it is something that definately needs practise. Using the right movements and pressure is the key to success. 

For the second method - the picture was put face down on paper - with or without a background. The back was wet with acetone and then with a tool (creditcard, spoon, modelling tool or similar) - pressure was put evenly on the back. Here as well there were lessons to be learned. I tried making my first transfer on to a background with Aprima acrylics (Destock). This was a disaster. Instead of loosening the print and transfering it on to the background - the opposite happened. The background came on to the print. Benjamins advice was to use good quality paint for the background. Below is an example where the print has been transferred on to white paper.


There are lots of demonstration on YouTube for more details.

So now we have learned how to make backgrounds, how to make stencils, how to do collages, how to print and how to make transfers. WHen this is all put together we are ready to make our compositions. Here is an example by Benjamin using several techniques.

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