Friday 6 September 2024


Goodbye for now.

The English version of our new website is up and running. We have decided to integrate the Blog into the website, so we will no longer be posting new articles here. We will keep this site up and running for those who want to find an older post.

Sunday 28 July 2024

The Hangar Day trip to Auribeau: Video and photo's!

On Wednesday 24 July, an enthusiastic group of drawers and painters drove together to Auribeau, to paint that absolutely gorgeous medieval village.
It was warm, but there were plenty of spots with a great view and enough shadow. After finding the best places, the group started with small drawings of different views.

Most worked with felt pen, but also pencils, bic pen and with colour pencils! Also 1 oil painter (Bev)

Around 12h30 we stopped for a spot of lunch! Ina had booked a table for the group in the restaurant 'Moulin du Sault' and it didn't disappoint! 

We had a fantastic meal, even did some sketching there, and were back in time for a next round of drawing - and painting!

The results of the afternoon session were again wonderful!

After the line up,with mots of praise for all the artists, because they had done a very good job,  some of us sat down to get a bit of fluid in that bod' after such a long hot day, and the rest drove back home, feeling good and happy after a creative day in a fabulous place.

Or skip all of the above and watch the Video:

We'll do another one in September!!

Thursday 25 July 2024

Wednesday 24 July 2024


Thorenc d'Art 2024

Thorenc d'Art was a two-day event in July. In 2024, the commune of Thorenc invited the Hangar to exhibit in the village as part of their art festival. Pim's painting group took on the challenge. The festival was well attended on Saturday and Sunday morning. Unfortunately, the weather changed and there was a thunderstorm on Sunday lunchtime, which meant that Sunday afternoon saw a lack of attendance. Despite this, there was a lot of interest in Le Hangar painting groups, especially as three members of Pim's group – Tatiana Koltchine, Anya Creaser and Laurie Whiffen – were named as "Laureats" by the mayor and invited onto the stage during the inauguration ceremony to talk about their work at Le Hangar.  


You can read more about the event on their webpages:

Monday 1 July 2024

3d Party Creative Workshops in the Hangar

Did you know that you can rent the Hangar space to organise creative workshops for your friends or clients and host them yourself or make a deal with one of the teachers to do that for you. It used to be common practise in the Hangar! And last Saturday, Teacher Marina hosted a workshop for a Dutch group of friends. They celebrated a birthday of one of them and wanted to create paintings in the Sunny South of France, with easels and  brushes and lots of paint, like real artists! And what better place to feel like a real artist than the Hangar...

Their Challenge: Create a 'Poster-Style' painting of what the Côte d'Azur means to you.
Their other Challenge: the muddy rain... But being Dutch they couldn't care less😃they are used to a bit of rain and found it pretty warm, especially when accompanied by magnums of Rosé and excellent appetizers!

After Marina's intro they set to work on a sketch, to get their thoughts and symbolism on paper and determine a composition.

They were so serious - and Marina was 'happily surprised with their creativity'

The inspiration came from all directions! Rosé, Cheese, Beach scenes & Nudists as well as spiffy Bikinis

And then Beach chairs, Prawns with lemon, the Fabulous Light (in a not yet finished portrait) & Oysters

Barbecue, more Rosé & an amazing sunset, a very good poster with lots of AZUR blue and more beach chairs... Amazing that none of these painters is an actual artist, they were so talented, original and creative!


And then the line-up, with happy faces! 

It was great - and it can be your event as well...
For info on prices and available dates, just contact Imme or Celina of the board or click here

Wednesday 19 June 2024

The Hangar Trip to Arles V: the Video!

We just can't get enough of it - so here is the seriously good and complete video to wrap it all up!
Check out all the participants, the locations and the artworks.
Created by Marina Teding van Berkhout...


News Flash: We will organise a one-day trip to a stunning venue (within a one hour drive from the Hangar) on Wednesday 24 July. Save that date! You can already reserve your place by emailing one of the Marinas.


Monday morning with Pim:            Continues all summer

Monday morning with Marina:       Last class 29/07 and start after summer 09/09

Monday afternoon with Marta:      Last class 01/07 and start after summer 02/09

Please note change in start of summer break

Monday evening with Pim:            Continues all summer

Tueday morning with Nelly/Helen: Open as an atelier Libre in July and closed in August

Tuesday afternoon with Marina:   Last class 30/07 and start after summer 10/09

Wednesdays with Pim:                  Continues all summer

Thursdays with Marie:                   Last class 25/07 and start after summer 12/09

Friday morning with Valentine:    No classes until further notice 

Saturday morning with Pim:        Continues all summer

Sunday with Francesca:               Last class 16/06 and starts after summer 30/09


Lundi matin avec Pim :                 Continue tout l'été

Lundi matin avec Marina :            Dernier cours le 29/07 et reprise des cours après l'été le 09/09

Lundi après-midi avec Marta :     Dernier cours le 01/07 et reprise des cours après l'été le 02/09

Attention changement au début des vacances d'été

Lundi soir avec Pim :                    Continue tout l'été

Mardi matin avec Nelly/Helen :    Ouvert en atelier libre en juillet et fermé en août

Mardi Après-midi avec Marina :   Dernier cours le 30/07 et reprise des cours après l'été le 10/09

Les mercredis avec Pim :             Continue tout l'été

Les jeudis avec Marie :                 Dernier cours le 25/07 et reprise des cours après l'été le 12/09

Vendredi matin avec Valentine :   Pas de cours jusqu'à nouvel ordre

Samedi matin avec Pim :               Continue tout l'été

Les dimanches avec Francesca : Dernier cours le 16/06 et reprise des cours après l'été le 30/09

Tuesday 18 June 2024

The Hangar Trip to Arles IV

And then it was already Sunday 9 June, time for the last part of our wonderful trip to Arles. After a beautiful breakfast we said goodbye to the lovely Hotel Belesso and followed each other to a different part of the city, to visit 'Les Alyscamps'. That is a very large Roman burial ground (Necropolis), with a Medieval Church and a long, overshadowed lane full of, often beautifully carved, sarcophagus's.

Van Gogh painted les Alyscamps - and so did we.

Somehow there are not many 'action pictures' but everyone found a good place to sit and worked very hard and good that morning!
Wonderful artwork was produced as you can see:

The artists were free to choose their subject, materials, colours and size of paper. The results were truly astonishing and everybody felt they had grown in their work,

12.30, the last line up! It was impressive. After that we said our goodbyes, new great memories created, friendships formed, materials discovered. And then we went back to the Côte! 

I can tell you that the Marinas are very enthusiastic and plan to organise a one-day-trip in July. You will hear about that soon. And of course you can already let us know if you are interested in next year's Spring Trip. We will start our research for the next venue in the new season.

And then lastly:


so watch this space...

Saturday 15 June 2024

The Hangar Trip to Arles III

After a very good lunch, on Saturday 8 June, we walked together to the next venue! The 'Hotel Dieu Saint Esprit', where Vincent van Gogh was once hospitalized to treat his mental illness. It is now in use as university centre, a library, a tourist office and more - yet it has kept its calm and lovely character.

Van Gogh painted it this way - and our artists were going to use colour in their representations too: starting with roughly putting some watercolour 'blobs' on, then draw with pen on top of it.

Everyone chose a good place, inside the garden, and some in the streets around the building...

A lot of colourful paintings were created, the Marina's were over the moon with the results! Architecture, colours, people, atmosphere - all very well done!


After an extensive line-up we went back to the hotel, to enjoy the last dinner together! It was very convivial and delicious- and the teachers and organiser Ina received a lovely gift from the group in the shape of a Cigale (cicada) . We are promised that on 21 June they will start to sing!

After a wonderful and fulfilling day we all went to sleep, ready for a Sunday morning around 'les Alyscamps'

Friday 14 June 2024

The Hangar Spring Trip to Arles II

 After a great drawing session and then a wonderful dinner on Friday night, where they received their well-deserved present (a small sketchbook and a pen) from the Marinas, the artists left on Saturday 8 June, 9.30am - for a full day of drawing. 

First stop: the Arena, an impressive Roman amphitheatre, with inside lots of interesting corners, pillars, arches, statues, collapsed stone staircases and of course the big round performance area. And outside the view on the Arena, and many lovely old houses, shops and restaurants.

The assignment was to use pen (felt pen, Bic pen, ink) and work without eraser.
Everyone drew both inside the Arena and outside, and around 12.30 the Marinas did their 'line up', with all the works - lots of artists used their new small sketch books! - to learn from each other and get new ideas.

Here are the results for you!

Well done! 
And then it was time for a good bit of lunch...

Tuesday 11 June 2024

The Hangar Spring Trip to Arles I

On Friday morning 7 June a group of enthusiastic artists drove all the way to the city of Arles to do what they like best - to draw and paint the view outside of a beautiful place with something for everybody

We were with a total of  20 of which 15 creatives and after the ride we installed ourselves on the Place de la République in the centre of Arles, around the fountain and the obelisk,  in the nearby monastery and in the quaint little streets .

We worked so hard and full of enthusiasm, some of us in the burning sun, others in the shadows. Many encounters with local people who were interested - and lots of tourists of all nationalities. (And a guitarist who played 4 songs over and over again. We were the only ones noticing that because we stayed in one place a little longer than the average visitor😆)
It was the first half day and we all had been travelling, yet the Artwork was exceptional, the Marinas were proud of and happy with the results, see for yourself:

After all that good stuff we drove back to the hotel, for a shower, a swim, a walk -and then our first fan-tas-tic and convivial dinner together, outside in the warm weather.

It was an excellent first day and we had more to come! Watch this space for more...