This and next week, you have a last minute opportunity to design, carve and print your own Christmas cards at the Hangar in a lino-cutting workshop with artist Gabriela Boiangiu.
Wednesday 25th of November and 2nd of December from 17:00-19:30.
Please get in touch if you are interested in attending:, 0669188239. Thanks.
Monday, 23 November 2015
Sunday, 22 November 2015
Printmaking on Friday afternoons - results to be admired in the Hangar
Gabriela's Printmaking class has started! The participants have made their first prints - and they look so good!! I imagine that they are drying up there - but it gives the Hangar an extra playful look...
If all the above has made you curious, go and have a look on Friday afternoons from 2pm! There is still space for more participants and I'm told by my very trustworthy sources that it is a fantastic class! Full of new ways to express yourselves artistically...
Thursday, 19 November 2015
Wednesday 2 December: Café Culture Cinema - Salvador Dali

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter au prochain ‘Café Culture’ . Nous allons savourer un film qui s’agit de la vie et les œuvres de Salvador Dali, et sa vie avec sa femme, Gala, qui a inspiré la plupart de ses tableaux.
Dali était nommé comme le maître du surréalisme et il est le mieux connu pour son interpretation de rêves, basé sur les pensées de Sigmund Freud.
Pim de Jongh expliquera les deux styles de surréalisme qui existent dans l’art : l’abstrait et le figuratif.
Comme d’habitude, nous espérons vous voir nombreux pour ce Café Culture. Venez apprécier le film et la discussion, et en suite nous allons prendre un verre et grignoter entre amis.

We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming ‘Café Culture’. We shall enjoy a film about the life and works of Salvador Dali, and his life with his wife, Gala, who inspired most of his paintings.
Dali was named as the master of surrealism and is best known for his interpretation of dreams, based on the thinking of Sigmund Freud. Pim de Jongh will explain the two styles of surrealism which exist in art: Representational and Abstract. .
As always, we look forward to welcoming many of you to our highly popular Café Cultures. Enjoy the film and discussion, and afterwards have a glass of wine and a nibble with friends.
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Christmas Expo in Bastide de la Lauve
BASTIDE de la LAUVE: Décoration d'Art Noël.
Adresse : 9 Place Albert Ferre 06520 Magagnosc.
Tel : 0493369704 - Mob : 0608752405
Mail :
GPS: 6.57.21. <> 43.40.45
Pour vous mettre dans l'ambiance de Noël, un petit groupe
d'artistes de la région (L.Bonnici,
D.Ballay, R.Cartoef, P.Dupont, C. Robinson, K.Westhoff.) exposera quelques-unes de leurs oeuvres dans la
Bastide de la Lauve. L'exposition se tiendra du Dimanche le 22
à partir de 15.00 heures au Dimanche 29 novembre.
Vous serez recu tous les jours par l'hôtesse, Renée
Cartoef, de 11.00 heures à 20.00 heures,
qui se fera un plaisir de vous accuellir dans sa belle demeure.
Des rafraîchissements seront servis. Lors de votre visite, vous aurez la possibilité de
décorer une branche de sapin pour Noël à
emporter. Parlez-en autour de vous.
To put you in the spirit of Christmas , a small group of
artists living in the area (L.Bonnici,
D.Ballay, R.Cartoef, P.Dupont, C. Robinson, K.Westhoff.), will exhibit some of their works in the Bastide de la Lauve. The exhibition will be held from Sunday 22, starting at 3
p.m. until Sunday November 29.
Your hostess Renée Cartoef, will receive you every day
from 11 a.m. until 8 p.m in her specially decorated house. Refreshments will be served.
During your visit, you can decorate a Christmas-tree
branch to take home with you.
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